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Helping to Restore Quality of Life for Dementia Patients with Medical Cannabis

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Jack Sisson

Jack Sisson

It’s no secret that cannabis is gaining a lot of attention in the medical sphere, especially when it comes to its various possibilities to benefit dementia patients. With dementia being one of the most complex and debilitating conditions, many caregivers and family members of those afflicted are looking for better alternative therapies to help manage and lessen some damaging changes in their loved one’s behaviour.

Though clinical evidence for cannabis is still under-studied, there have been remarkable anecdotal reports regarding its potential to aid the recovery of people with dementia. One of the biggest benefits is its ability to reduce symptoms of anxiety and insomnia, which are common among dementia patients. Other studies have indicated that cannabis may help reduce the symptoms of cognitive decline associated with the disease.

Another significant area that research is exploring is the impact of cannabis on motor performance. Positive early findings show promise, with studies suggesting that cannabidiol (CBD) may help improve motor coordination as well as reduce tremors. A related study conducted by the University of Oxford into the impact of CBD on mobility and behavioural functioning in the elderly found that those who were given oral CBD had an improvement in cognitive performance, physical movement and social interactions.

Equipped with this knowledge, people then ask, is cannabis truly a suitable option for dementia patients? As with any medication, it’s important to consult a medical professional to determine whether it’s appropriate for your needs. Even though cannabis can benefit those with dementia, it’s crucial to deeply understand the potential risks before trying something new. At Elios clinics, we’re here to help patients make an informed decision with the help of our team of qualified medical professionals.

If you’d like to discuss available options for dementia patients, please don’t hesitate to contact us or fill in our new patient form.

How does cannabis affect the brain?

Cannabis can positively affect the brain in several ways. First, it is an effective pain reliever. It also acts as an antidepressant and has anti-anxiety effects. Additionally, cannabis may support and enhance cognition as well as provide neuroprotection.

CBD and THC, the two main active ingredients in cannabis, interact with two specific receptors in the brain: CB1 and CB2. These receptors regulate sleep, mood, memory, and appetite. Research shows that the activation of the CB2 receptor can help reduce inflammation and protect neurons.

THC, on the other hand, is psychoactive. It has been linked to attention, memory, and cognitive performance improvements. In existing research, THC appeared to improve short-term recall within dementia patients, suggesting that it may be effective in amplifying cognition in some individuals.

The relation between cannabis and dementia is still a developing study, yet it yields positive results. We’re fully dedicated to helping our patients weigh out the potential benefits and risks of incorporating cannabis into their treatment plans here at Elios Clinics.

What are the main symptoms of dementia?

Dementia is a degenerative brain disorder that can cause memory loss, confusion, changes in personality, and difficulty with everyday tasks. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, accounting for 60-70% of cases.

The main symptoms of dementia include:

• Memory loss
• Difficulty communicating and problem-solving
• Issues with mobility, balance, and coordination
• Difficulty with everyday tasks
• Changes in mood and behaviour
• Wandering and getting lost

The early the diagnosis of dementia, the better it is for the patient and their surrounding loved ones. Every individual has a unique experience. Therefore, seeking medical advice at the earliest indication of these symptoms is important.

How to get a cannabis prescription for dementia

Acquiring a prescription for cannabis is a complex process and must be done through a qualified medical specialist. Here at our cannabis clinic, we completely understand the complexities of prescribing cannabis and the importance of personalized medicine.

If you believe cannabis could benefit your dementia patient, the first of this process is to visit your doctor to discuss the potential risks and benefits. After deeming you qualified and it could be an effective treatment option, they may refer you to a specialist. The specialist will then assess your individual situation and offer expert advice on whether cannabis is the right medical path for you.

Ultimately, we acknowledge that getting a cannabis prescription for dementia patients is a major decision, so please contact us at Elios Clinics if you have any queries. Our medical experts are here to help you make the best decision for your unique situation.

About author

Jack Sisson

Jack Sisson

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