Medical Marijuana for Epilepsy
At Elios Clinics, we specialize in helping our patients manage epilepsy with the help of medical cannabis. We understand the daily challenges you face when living with the disorder, and we believe that medical marijuana could be a beneficial supplement to your current treatment plans.

Epilepsy is a complex disorder that can present itself in various ways, from minor seizures to much more severe episodes. In some cases, traditional treatment options have proven unsuccessful in controlling the disorder’s symptoms. That’s where medical cannabis can help.
At Elios Clinics, we have extensive experience helping our patients find the most beneficial medical cannabis treatments for their epilepsy. We know that each case is different and we use the latest research to personalize treatment plans for each individual.
Studies on medical marijuana and epilepsy have shown the potential for improved symptom control and even seizure reduction. The cannabinoids found in medical cannabis may help to manage mood disorder, reduce inflammation, and enhance cognitive functioning. Ultimately, we believe that a carefully monitored medical cannabis regimen can help improve your epilepsy symptoms, enabling you to lead a healthier, more balanced life.
At Elios Clinics, we are committed to helping our patient find the best possible way to manage their epilepsy. We understand that finding the right medication can seem overwhelming, and we are here to make the process as easy and comfortable as possible. If you think medical marijuana could be beneficial in controlling your epilepsy symptoms, please contact us. We would be happy to discuss your options and potential treatment plans in greater detail.
What Causes Epilepsy?
Epilepsy is caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. This can be due to a variety of factors, including head injuries, stroke, brain tumors, or a genetic predisposition. Some conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can also increase the risk of developing epilepsy. Unfortunately, the exact cause of the disorder is often unknown.
Epilepsy Symptoms
Epilepsy can present itself in a variety of different ways. Common symptoms include confusion, muscle spasms, changes in alertness or behavior, and loss of consciousness. It is also common for people with epilepsy to experience auras, where they feel a sense of fear or dread before a seizure.
Simple Partial (Focal) Seizure
Simple partial (focal) seizures are the most common type of seizures. During these seizures an individual is usually aware of their surroundings and experiences sensations including muscles jerking, tingling sensations, and strange smells or tastes. The duration of these seizures can range from seconds to several minutes.
Complex Partial (Focal) Seizure
Complex partial (focal) seizures last longer than simple partial (focal) seizures and present more severe symptoms. They often involve a decrease in awareness, as well as physical movements such as lip smacking or repetitive motions. Like simple partial seizures, they can also last anywhere from seconds to several minutes.
Tonic-Clonic Seizures (formerly Grand Mal)
Tonic-Clonic seizures (formerly known as Grand Mal seizures) are the most severe form of epilepsy. They result in a loss of consciousness, violence, violent jerking of the limbs and body, and loss of control of bodily functions. They can last anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes and are often followed by extreme fatigue.
Absence Seizures (formerly Petit Mal)
Absence seizures (formerly known as Petit Mal seizures) are less severe than tonic-clonic seizures. They are characterized by a sudden lapse in awareness, lasting anywhere from 2 seconds to 15 seconds. While they normally don’t cause any physical damage, absence seizures can affect an individual’s quality of life.
Myoclonic Seizures
Myoclonic seizures cause sudden, brief jerks in various muscle groups. They are often associated with other forms of epilepsy, but can occur by themselves as well. They typically cause no lasting physical damage, but can be disruptive and potentially dangerous if they take place in a dangerous situation.
Atonic Seizures
Atonic seizures cause an individual to suddenly lose muscle tone and could cause them to suddenly slump or fall. These seizures can last for a few seconds, but can cause physical damage if the person falls. They are usually associated with severe epilepsy, but can also occur by themselves.
Status Epilepticus
Status Epilepticus is a medical emergency where an individual has multiple seizures for an extended period of time without recovering consciousness between seizures. It can lead to brain damage, permanent disability, or even death unless treated immediately.